Thursday, 10 October 2013

Buxton Social Services

With all the focus locally on the changes to the ambulance and fire services within the High Peak, the fall out from New Mills council (see High Peak Transparency) for more information. It would seem now isn't the time to raise questions with regard to social services. We have enough to deal with at the moment, Derbyshire County Council is supposedly axing 1600 jobs to help balance the budget. But poor old Sea Duck has been sent some information that I am eager but at the same time slightly worried to blog about.

It regards the actions of a children's social worker based in Buxton, the subsequent investigation which reflects badly on other agencies like SureStart, one of the local schools perhaps even one of the local GP practises.

This matter has been investigated by the local government ombudsman (LGO) a much under used resource in my opinion but when I read their report considering the information I now have, which I am assuming was also sent to them, well their conclusion beggers belief to be frank. A very poor job by the LGO.

I need to speak to a legal friend of mine before I go much further, to check if I can progress and blog about this. 

I need to look at all the information in front of me, lots of paperwork, and I mean several very full files, as well as digital recordings, maybe speak to a few people too before I progress.

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