A cyber blog
The Papers
So I set out on a quest, for a bacon sandwich, more precisely for 1lb (1 pound, that’s 453.59 grams in new money) of streaky bacon (unsmoked) to make it with.
In Buxton we have the following places to shop.
On or around Spring Gardens; -
The Co-op, Waitrose, Aldi, Iceland, Marks & Spencer, Lomas
On or around the Market Place; -
Mycocks the butchers, Burnham the butchers, The Co-op, Sainsbury's.
The results for the Buxton area of the High Peak in the High Peak Borough Council elections are as follows.
Rachael Quinn Labour 329 votes Elected
Bill Barratt Conservative 247 votes
Turnout 37.25%
John Faulkner Conservative 566 votes Elected
Ian Hamilton Labour 291 votes
Turnout 44.64%
Philip Ashmore Labour 566 votes Elected
Chris Payne Labour 466 votes Elected
Bill Fiddy Conservative 455 votes
Bob Morris Conservative 452 votes
Matthew Bain Green 190 votes
Peter Ashenden Lib Dems 150 votes
Turnout 36.18%
Linda Baldry Conservative 748 votes Elected
Tony Kemp Conservative 743 votes Elected
Martin Thomas Labour 535 votes
Chris Weaver Lib Dems 336 votes
Turnout 47.21%
Lynn Stone Labour 556 votes Elected
Keith Savage Labour 525 votes Elected
Colin Boynton Conservative 521 votes
Linda Gooby Conservative 506 votes
Turnout 38.55%
Caitlin Bisknell Labour 673 votes Elected
Fiona Sloman Labour 616 votes Elected
Pam Reddy Conservative 356 votes
Mick Reddy Conservative 341 votes
Turnout 32.77%
Emily Thrane Conservative 524 votes Elected
Roger Cooper Labour 272 votes
Turnout 53.8%
High Peak Borough council is now a council where there is no overall control. A hung council I guess.
Turnout doesn't appear to be great, but according to High Peak Borough council's website only Buxton
Central ward showed a drop in turnout.
In some areas, like Buxon Central and Cote Heath it appears to have been very close with only 4 votes in
deciding who was elected. In other areas like Stone Bench it was very clear victory (in that case for Labour).
One cannot help wondering if more people stood what the result would have been. In Buxton Central only one
Lib Dem stood for the two places as well as one Green. In Cobar ward only one Lib Dem and one Labour stood
would more candidates have increased they're election 'potential' if they had more candidates? In Stone Bench
no Lib Dems and no Greens stood. Is that because they had no one interested? They thought they wouldn't do very
well therefore didn't stand? Did the voters who would have voted Lib Dem vote for Labour or the Conservatives?
Did other factors like new comer Mr Payne joining in the 'No to Buxton Tesco' campaign win him some votes,
Matthew Bain of the Greens also noted he was against the new Tesco's, but he came fifth out of six in Buxton Central
Hmm, there is change afoot but not as large or as quick as I think some people were suspecting. The party
results are:-
Conservative 15
Lib Dems 3
Labour 21
Independents 4
Labour are the biggest party in the council.
My own exit poll (people I have bumped into and had a chat with, a total of five) show votes for the Conservatives, Lib Dems
the Greens and Independents.
YouGov show that voting intention shows a fall of 4% for the Conservatives at 34%, a rise of 16% for Labour at 38%, a fall of 11% for the Lib Dems at 13% and others on 15% of the vote. But local elections are fought on local issues (see my previous blog).
With regard to the AV referendum it really does seem to be neck and neck from the people I have spoken to
much too close to call. We'll find out soon I guess.
We now have a list of the candidates for the local elections for Buxton at High Peak Borough council.
In BARMS ward which covers Fairfield Road, Waterswallows, Nunsfield Road, the area of Fairfield near these roads
north towards Fairfield Road and Waterswallows road from Queens Road that leads into the estate. You can vote for
just one candidate from the choices of Bill Barratt Conservative and Rachael Quinn Labour.
In BURBAGE ward which covers quite a large area, covering the majority of the Goyt Valley up to the Cheshire boarder,
the A5004 from where it turns into Long Hill rather than Manchester Road, stopping at Fernilee. Burbage of course, also
St John's Road as far as Gadley Lane and the last third of Macclesfield Road. Landmanlow, Brandside and Dove Head
Hindlow, Sterndale Moor. You can vote for just one candidate from the choices of John Faulkner Conservative
and Ian Hamilton Labour.
In BUXTON CENTRAL ward which stretches from the railway station up the A515 to West Road and Byron Street, to
Hartington Road and Dukes Drive. You can vote for two candidates from the choices of Peter Ashenden Lib Dems,
Philip Asmore Labour, Matthew Bain Green, Bill Fiddy Conservative, Bob Morris Conservative and Christopher James
Payne Labour.
In COBAR ward which stretches from the A5004 Manchester Road, St John's Road as far as Gadley Lane. Macclesfield Road
as far as Burlington Road. The areas surrounding Cobar road, Lightwood Road and Brown Edge Road. You can vote for two
candidates Linda Baldry Conservative, Tony Kemp Conservative, Martin Thomas Labour and Christopher Weaver Lib Dems.
In COTE HEATH ward which covers the housing around Heath Grove and Sherwood Road, Harpur Hill, Cowdale and King
Sterndale, the housing around Central Drive and Staden. You can vote for two candidates from the choices of
Colin Boynton Conservative, Linda Grooby Conservative, Keith Edward Savage Labour and Lynn Stone Labour.
In STONE BENCH ward which covers Fairfield estate from Queens Road to Grandby Road. As well as Lesser lane and
Redgap Lane. You can vote for two candidates from Caitlin Bisknell Labour, Mick Reddy Conservative, Pam Reddy
Conservative and Fiona Sloman Labour.
In TEMPLE ward which covers the housing from Macclesfield Road to Solomon's Temple and West Road and London Road
as far as the cottage hospital towards Solomon's Temple. You can vote for just one candidate from the choices of
Roger Cooper Labour and Emily Thrane Conservative.
Information taken from the Buxton Advertiser of Thursday 29th April 11 and www.openlylocal.com.
Interestingly when I have spoken to local people most are disillusioned with the whole thing. Most have not even considered the
AV referendum. One of the things seems to be the lack of variety of people and parties to vote for, where's the Monster
Raving Loony Party when you need them. The main local issue seems to be the building of Tesco at the Buxton Mineral water plant in Buxton.
And that a large part of the local population seem to see it as a threat to their jobs in the retail/tourist sector in Buxton. Anti-social behaviour when the pubs close, usually this is aimed at the students of Derby University. A little unfair as I'm sure it's not just them. The pot holes galore that cover the
roads, Hardwick Mount is in dire need of re-tarmacing.
So far I have only had leaflets from the local Conservatives and Labour and the no to the AV referendum through the door.
The Labour ones had to be reassembled after someone else in our block of flats tore them up. Very similar leaflets saying that
the Conservative controlled council isn't clearing the roads of snow and not collecting the bins (I can remember the same under the council
when it was labour controlled). The Conservative leaflet noted that these were not anything to do with High Peak borough Council.
That these are County Council issues? (Which is under conservative control).
Also the lack of healthcare, people are missing a proper hospital (however, plans are in place to provide this) and what appears (from
anecdotal evidence) of a lack of patient carrying ambulances in the area.
The issue regarding the local Buxton swimming pool which is constantly covered in the local paper the Advertiser and the delay in getting it ready. Doesn't seem to be as big an issue as the paper makes out. People seem to accept that more work was needed on it than was first
thought and that they accept that this caused a delay in it reopening? Most people seem to want a council that doesn't snoop on them, will not raise the council tax and make it fairer for families and gets the bins emptied at no extra cost. The recycling seems to
be an issue with most Buxtonians happy to recycle but would like to go back to weekly bin collections for mainly health reasons? Is there any evidence of the fortnightly collections leading to an increase in viral, bacterial infections? I don't know. I know that
a bit to blog about going on in the High Peak. One of the main
discussions seems to be about the new Tesco proposal. The Buxton
Advertiser had an article in it noting that this would increase footfall
into the town centre of Buxton by 20,000 per week.However, the Sea Duck
is going to look into this a little further and I may blog about this
The thing that has caught my eye this week is the emerging discussion on the Alternative Vote (A.V. referendum.) As far as I am aware this means that if someone has more than 50% of the vote from an area they are elected handsdown. However, if no one has 50%+ then the candidate with the least votes has their second options added to the others until someone has 50%+ and is elected.
Does this mean that the person elected will be more favoured by the voters in their area? Or would it lead to second favourites winning? Will this mean that those wishing to be elected have to work harder for your vote or will it lead to more negotiations in back rooms away from the electorate.
The political parties in favour of AV are Labour, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, SDLP, Greens, English Democrats, Christian Peoples Alliance, and Respect.
The political parties against AV are Conservatives, DUP, BNP, and the Communist Party.
The political parties that are currently undecided are UKIP, SNP, Alliance party, Sinn Fein, Jury Team and the Monster Raving Loony party.
Though various members of the above listed parties are for or against AV regardless of their 'party's' stance.
This May's local elections should be interesting enough and now with the referendum, even more so.
Hi well this blog has been dormant over
the winter period so it's hight time it came out of hibernation and
commented on a few things happening here in the High Peak. We have local
council elections this year, there appears to be road works around that
are going to cause delays for months, new 'legal' high's on the streets
causing people to come on to the police radar and escorted to the
nearest A&E. Mountain Rescue are busier than usual. We're all facing
cuts and fuel price rises. There's alot to comment on and discuss.
Also Spring is on its way (well at least today it looks like it), we've got the various well dressings and festivals around the High Peak area to look forward to. It's a new year with new challenges and oppertunities and experiences to be had.
So lets not get too glum about things at the moment, though the general media would it seems like us to.
So what's to come?
Who knows but we'll find out sooner or later. how these cuts are going to effect us personally and as a community. Which political animals will jump on and off the various band wagons that arrive (the latest being the VAT rise). What local developments we will have with regard to new housing, quarries etc. What will disrupt and what will enhance?
I hope 2011 brings everyone the best oppertunities for themselves and their familes. So let's let the year begin and hopefully we'll all be off to a good start.
Well we've had our emergency budget, using the BBC Budget calculator (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/10335476.stm) it appears me and Mrs Sea Duck are about £200 better off over the year. Obviously not all are pleased with the budget. Most of the 'savings' are from spending cuts. But what are the cuts, I think we are not going to see the full effect of this budget for well over a year. The union UNISON noted that the cuts would mean the loss of between 300,000 to 400,000 public service jobs. Some thing which would no doubt echo onto the private sector with these people no longer spending, everything from buying houses to shopping at the local newsagent. We are told that the weakest and most vunerable in our society will be protected, but surely these are the people who most rely on public services? Then again private sector workers have had to bite the bullet with regard to perks, wage rises etc in light of the recession, can we expect any less of the public sector workers? One thing that I found interesting is that people on a joint income of £83,000 will not longer get tax credits, I am so surprised that they were eligible in the first place. I hope there will be a common sense approach to the budget, for example I would hate to see the NHS walk-in centres in the High Peak and the Buxton cottage hospital to disappear. With the nearest major hospitals in Chesterfield, Macclesfield, Tameside and Stockport these medical facilities are essentials in the High Peak area.
Having spoken to various people it would seem that they are accepting of this budget rather than liking it. They see these cuts in public spending as an inevitable consequence to living beyond our means for so long. I know Labour say this is a global recession and I do agree with that, but the previous govenment cannot however wash it's hands of the fact that this country was in poor health to weather this financial storm. Speaking of the politics of the budget, I have spoken to several Lib Dem voters, some first timers in voting for the party, they do not feel betrayed by them, they are quite happy with what the Lib Dems are doing in government. As I noted at the start I think we will have to wait and see how hard these cuts hit us and where the save the most money and do the most damage. Of course you have the chance, if you are a public sector worker, to suggest where these savings could be at http://spendingchallenge.hm-treasury.gov.uk/
Big Cats
There is a report of a big cat sighting near Buxton, the Beast of Buxton if you will. Not the first one that I have heard of either. There have been a number of sightings over the years around LadyBower and also sightings reported in the aptly named 'Cat and Fiddle' road the A537. I know that the remains of European Lynx have been found in Lathkill Dale, Creswell Crags and just over the border in the Manifold Valley, but these were found to be around 9000+ years old when carbon dated. These big cat/beast sightings remind me of the mythical Kinder Boggart, a black dog usually seen as a portent of doom. Not really encouraging considering the budget and the state of the countries finances.
A friend from one of Buxton’s local newsagents has noted
that today no one appears to be buying the Sun or the Times. Is there a
backlash against not just the News of the World but it’s parent company? I
think we’ll know more in a week or so.
Yes to Tesco, No to Tesco and three bags.
The No to Tesco campaign seems unchanged with letters in the
paper the other week and the Facebook Group growing. More of the ‘No to Tesco’
posters and signs are appearing around Buxton. A rumour has it that there are
now 90 of them outside shops. However, it appears that they are not having it
all their own way. A new group supporting a Tesco in Buxton, with posters has
appeared on Facebook.
The group has fewer members than the no campaign and I
haven’t seen any ‘Yes to Tesco’ posters around Buxton but there are those
commenting on the page saying that they have printed them off and posted them.
The group does seem to have a large number of students who are not from the
Buxton area. The group has or is advertising on Facebook with Facebook adverts.
Something the ‘No’ campaign took note of and followed with their own ad
campaign on the social networking website.
I am a little surprised that the Yes and No campaigns
haven’t yet filtered through to the Twitter network?
The Yes campaign is being assisted, it appears by a PR group
based in Manchester. Whether local people in Buxton run it is unclear, though
many have voiced their support on the page. High Peak Radio news is running a
Facebook vote on whether people want a Tesco or not. At present 78 people have
voted ‘Yes’ and 71 people have voted ‘No.’ The vote was posted on the 23rd
of June and is still running it appears.
I am meeting more people who want a Tesco. Though most don’t
like the look of the building, they see Tesco providing employment, add variety
to the shopping options available in Buxton and supply things that they have to
purchase off the internet mostly DVD’s, Blue Ray and CD’s. One chap noted he
already worked for one of our supermarkets and wished he could find a job in
the same line of work but with better prospects and was all for a Tesco.
Both the groups seem to be growing, as more people get
involved. An interesting thing is the discussion. The ‘Yes to Tesco’ site only
posts Tesco positive comments from people, if someone posts an argument against
Tesco it is deleted. Whereas the ‘No to Tesco’ site allows people to post
comments and their reasons for wanting a Tesco, which are then argued out and
discussed. This leads to the effect that the ‘No to Tesco’ group seems more
real than the other one.
Not a mention of it in the Advertiser this morning apart
from page 18, with a picture Jeff Perks winning entry in a sculpture contest.
Totally absent of any letters.
But enough of this cyber sleuthing, what about the real
world? Well the other week Sea Duck decided to go to Tesco in Whaley Bridge to
do his weekly shop. One of the things that I was delighted to see was that you
do not need a token or pound coin to get a trolley. They had a huge range of
products, some that I wasn’t able to get in the shops in Buxton. The prices
were a little higher than I was used to paying, the fresh fruit and veg has
lasted as long as can be expected for such things. The chillis did seem to
mature a little in the fridge though. Service was marvellous, the young lady
who helped catch one of the ducklings I had brought with me as they made a bid
for the biscuits aisle and the other young lady who served me at the till. Both
were very nice, friendly, chatty and helpful. My only downside to the shop was
I witnessed a shopper at the fishmongers asking how to cook the mussels they had
bought only to be told by the person behind the counter that they didn’t know?
Also it was around £6.00 more than I would usually pay (but I did buy quite a
bit.) Parking was not a problem, even with the ducklings. I would certainly go
Our local councillors seem to be very quiet on the subject.
Not a bad point as I’m sure they have to been seen as neutral in the planning
application process. Whereas they have been very vocal in the Corbar birthing
centre campaign.
A noble quest
Quite a bit to blog about, the post election in the High
Peak, the joy at seeing the swallows, swifts and house martins return. The fact
that the local PCT is thinking of closing down the Cobar birthing unit,
something Sea Duck was aware of before it hit the paper the previous Thursday,
I suppose I could have had a scoop but never mind. However, it was the current
Tesco discussion that really caught my eye. There are many posters and banners
saying 'No to Tesco.' Quite a condescending letter from a Mr Magee of Tesco in
the Advertiser the previous week with responses from the public this week. Mr
Magee noted that the majority of people in Buxton wanted Tesco, something that
I don't think he thought through, I've met two, one of which changed their mind
when I told them about the other places to shop.
So I set out on a quest, for a bacon sandwich, more precisely for 1lb (1 pound, that’s 453.59 grams in new money) of streaky bacon (unsmoked) to make it with.
In Buxton we have the following places to shop.
On or around Spring Gardens; -
The Co-op, Waitrose, Aldi, Iceland, Marks & Spencer, Lomas
On or around the Market Place; -
Mycocks the butchers, Burnham the butchers, The Co-op, Sainsbury's.
The surrounding area
We have Redferns farm shop in Harpur Hill and Morrison’s on
Bakewell Road. There is also the Tesco express at the Esso garage on London
Online companies who deliver to the High Peak area; -
Tesco online, Sainsbury’s online, Asda online.
A total of 16 retailers that I could buy my bacon from. There are other places smaller off-license
shops to buy from, but I didn’t have time to get around them all. I came back
with the following results and a large amount of bacon, making my arteries
shake with fear.
Spring Gardens
The Co-op (they didn’t have any streaky bacon!)
Marks & Spencers £4.00
for 300g that’s £6.05 per lb
Aldi £0.99 for 250g that’s £1.80 per lb
Lomas £1.10 for 184g that’s £2.71 per lb
Iceland £1.50 for 305g that’s £2.23 per lb
Waitrose £1.79 for 275g that’s £2.95 per lb
Market Place
Mycocks £3.00 for 453g that’s £3.00 per lb
Burnham £2.35 for 453g that’s £2.35 per lb
The Co-op (they didn’t have any streaky bacon either)
Sainsbury’s £1.00 for 135g that’s £3.36 per lb
Buxton Area
Morrisons £1.74 for 250g that’s £3.18 per lb
Redferns £2.23 for 453g that’s £2.23 per lb
online £1.74 for 250g
that’s £3.18 per lb (plus the cost of delivery, not revealed without logging
online £1.98 for 300g that’s
£2.99 per lb (plus the cost of delivery, up to £5.50 for Saturday)
Asda online £1.74 for 250g that’s £3.18
per lb (plus the cost of delivery, not revealed without logging in)
So there
you have it, should you too go on a quest for some streaky bacon.
The letters in the local paper, the Advertiser, were from a
variety of people; I doubt that the other businesses in Buxton are looking
forward to a large Tesco opening. As I have listed we already have 16 other
places to shop this doesn’t include the pet shops, bakers, clothes shops,
newsagents etc. Would Tesco be good for Buxton? I’m not sure, they would (so
they say) bring in 200+ jobs to the town, which we sorely need. But would there
be lay-off from other retailers? Would the closing of the local shops effect
our standing as a tourist place? Simply would Tesco be good for High Peak
Borough Council with regard to investment and tax but not good for Buxton? This
could be the first test for the new Labour administration. I can remember the
backlash against the councillors at the previous local elections who voted for
the food store at Pavilion gardens, which was very unpopular. Then again with
Buxton mineral Water moving to Waterswallows who else could take their previous
building on?
The Election Results.
Rachael Quinn Labour 329 votes Elected
Bill Barratt Conservative 247 votes
Turnout 37.25%
John Faulkner Conservative 566 votes Elected
Ian Hamilton Labour 291 votes
Turnout 44.64%
Philip Ashmore Labour 566 votes Elected
Chris Payne Labour 466 votes Elected
Bill Fiddy Conservative 455 votes
Bob Morris Conservative 452 votes
Matthew Bain Green 190 votes
Peter Ashenden Lib Dems 150 votes
Turnout 36.18%
Linda Baldry Conservative 748 votes Elected
Tony Kemp Conservative 743 votes Elected
Martin Thomas Labour 535 votes
Chris Weaver Lib Dems 336 votes
Turnout 47.21%
Lynn Stone Labour 556 votes Elected
Keith Savage Labour 525 votes Elected
Colin Boynton Conservative 521 votes
Linda Gooby Conservative 506 votes
Turnout 38.55%
Caitlin Bisknell Labour 673 votes Elected
Fiona Sloman Labour 616 votes Elected
Pam Reddy Conservative 356 votes
Mick Reddy Conservative 341 votes
Turnout 32.77%
Emily Thrane Conservative 524 votes Elected
Roger Cooper Labour 272 votes
Turnout 53.8%
High Peak Borough council is now a council where there is no overall control. A hung council I guess.
Turnout doesn't appear to be great, but according to High Peak Borough council's website only Buxton
Central ward showed a drop in turnout.
In some areas, like Buxon Central and Cote Heath it appears to have been very close with only 4 votes in
deciding who was elected. In other areas like Stone Bench it was very clear victory (in that case for Labour).
One cannot help wondering if more people stood what the result would have been. In Buxton Central only one
Lib Dem stood for the two places as well as one Green. In Cobar ward only one Lib Dem and one Labour stood
would more candidates have increased they're election 'potential' if they had more candidates? In Stone Bench
no Lib Dems and no Greens stood. Is that because they had no one interested? They thought they wouldn't do very
well therefore didn't stand? Did the voters who would have voted Lib Dem vote for Labour or the Conservatives?
Did other factors like new comer Mr Payne joining in the 'No to Buxton Tesco' campaign win him some votes,
Matthew Bain of the Greens also noted he was against the new Tesco's, but he came fifth out of six in Buxton Central
Hmm, there is change afoot but not as large or as quick as I think some people were suspecting. The party
results are:-
Conservative 15
Lib Dems 3
Labour 21
Independents 4
Labour are the biggest party in the council.
So far today
Well Sea Duck voted today, first thing in the morning. I always vote even if I don't agree with the candidate I vote for 100%. I try to pick the nearest one to what I want. I try to encourage others to vote as well.My own exit poll (people I have bumped into and had a chat with, a total of five) show votes for the Conservatives, Lib Dems
the Greens and Independents.
YouGov show that voting intention shows a fall of 4% for the Conservatives at 34%, a rise of 16% for Labour at 38%, a fall of 11% for the Lib Dems at 13% and others on 15% of the vote. But local elections are fought on local issues (see my previous blog).
With regard to the AV referendum it really does seem to be neck and neck from the people I have spoken to
much too close to call. We'll find out soon I guess.
Local Elections (Buxton)
In BARMS ward which covers Fairfield Road, Waterswallows, Nunsfield Road, the area of Fairfield near these roads
north towards Fairfield Road and Waterswallows road from Queens Road that leads into the estate. You can vote for
just one candidate from the choices of Bill Barratt Conservative and Rachael Quinn Labour.
In BURBAGE ward which covers quite a large area, covering the majority of the Goyt Valley up to the Cheshire boarder,
the A5004 from where it turns into Long Hill rather than Manchester Road, stopping at Fernilee. Burbage of course, also
St John's Road as far as Gadley Lane and the last third of Macclesfield Road. Landmanlow, Brandside and Dove Head
Hindlow, Sterndale Moor. You can vote for just one candidate from the choices of John Faulkner Conservative
and Ian Hamilton Labour.
In BUXTON CENTRAL ward which stretches from the railway station up the A515 to West Road and Byron Street, to
Hartington Road and Dukes Drive. You can vote for two candidates from the choices of Peter Ashenden Lib Dems,
Philip Asmore Labour, Matthew Bain Green, Bill Fiddy Conservative, Bob Morris Conservative and Christopher James
Payne Labour.
In COBAR ward which stretches from the A5004 Manchester Road, St John's Road as far as Gadley Lane. Macclesfield Road
as far as Burlington Road. The areas surrounding Cobar road, Lightwood Road and Brown Edge Road. You can vote for two
candidates Linda Baldry Conservative, Tony Kemp Conservative, Martin Thomas Labour and Christopher Weaver Lib Dems.
In COTE HEATH ward which covers the housing around Heath Grove and Sherwood Road, Harpur Hill, Cowdale and King
Sterndale, the housing around Central Drive and Staden. You can vote for two candidates from the choices of
Colin Boynton Conservative, Linda Grooby Conservative, Keith Edward Savage Labour and Lynn Stone Labour.
In STONE BENCH ward which covers Fairfield estate from Queens Road to Grandby Road. As well as Lesser lane and
Redgap Lane. You can vote for two candidates from Caitlin Bisknell Labour, Mick Reddy Conservative, Pam Reddy
Conservative and Fiona Sloman Labour.
In TEMPLE ward which covers the housing from Macclesfield Road to Solomon's Temple and West Road and London Road
as far as the cottage hospital towards Solomon's Temple. You can vote for just one candidate from the choices of
Roger Cooper Labour and Emily Thrane Conservative.
Information taken from the Buxton Advertiser of Thursday 29th April 11 and www.openlylocal.com.
Interestingly when I have spoken to local people most are disillusioned with the whole thing. Most have not even considered the
AV referendum. One of the things seems to be the lack of variety of people and parties to vote for, where's the Monster
Raving Loony Party when you need them. The main local issue seems to be the building of Tesco at the Buxton Mineral water plant in Buxton.
And that a large part of the local population seem to see it as a threat to their jobs in the retail/tourist sector in Buxton. Anti-social behaviour when the pubs close, usually this is aimed at the students of Derby University. A little unfair as I'm sure it's not just them. The pot holes galore that cover the
roads, Hardwick Mount is in dire need of re-tarmacing.
So far I have only had leaflets from the local Conservatives and Labour and the no to the AV referendum through the door.
The Labour ones had to be reassembled after someone else in our block of flats tore them up. Very similar leaflets saying that
the Conservative controlled council isn't clearing the roads of snow and not collecting the bins (I can remember the same under the council
when it was labour controlled). The Conservative leaflet noted that these were not anything to do with High Peak borough Council.
That these are County Council issues? (Which is under conservative control).
Also the lack of healthcare, people are missing a proper hospital (however, plans are in place to provide this) and what appears (from
anecdotal evidence) of a lack of patient carrying ambulances in the area.
The issue regarding the local Buxton swimming pool which is constantly covered in the local paper the Advertiser and the delay in getting it ready. Doesn't seem to be as big an issue as the paper makes out. People seem to accept that more work was needed on it than was first
thought and that they accept that this caused a delay in it reopening? Most people seem to want a council that doesn't snoop on them, will not raise the council tax and make it fairer for families and gets the bins emptied at no extra cost. The recycling seems to
be an issue with most Buxtonians happy to recycle but would like to go back to weekly bin collections for mainly health reasons? Is there any evidence of the fortnightly collections leading to an increase in viral, bacterial infections? I don't know. I know that
The thing that has caught my eye this week is the emerging discussion on the Alternative Vote (A.V. referendum.) As far as I am aware this means that if someone has more than 50% of the vote from an area they are elected handsdown. However, if no one has 50%+ then the candidate with the least votes has their second options added to the others until someone has 50%+ and is elected.
Does this mean that the person elected will be more favoured by the voters in their area? Or would it lead to second favourites winning? Will this mean that those wishing to be elected have to work harder for your vote or will it lead to more negotiations in back rooms away from the electorate.
The political parties in favour of AV are Labour, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, SDLP, Greens, English Democrats, Christian Peoples Alliance, and Respect.
The political parties against AV are Conservatives, DUP, BNP, and the Communist Party.
The political parties that are currently undecided are UKIP, SNP, Alliance party, Sinn Fein, Jury Team and the Monster Raving Loony party.
Though various members of the above listed parties are for or against AV regardless of their 'party's' stance.
This May's local elections should be interesting enough and now with the referendum, even more so.
Happy New Year (ish)
Also Spring is on its way (well at least today it looks like it), we've got the various well dressings and festivals around the High Peak area to look forward to. It's a new year with new challenges and oppertunities and experiences to be had.
So lets not get too glum about things at the moment, though the general media would it seems like us to.
So what's to come?
Who knows but we'll find out sooner or later. how these cuts are going to effect us personally and as a community. Which political animals will jump on and off the various band wagons that arrive (the latest being the VAT rise). What local developments we will have with regard to new housing, quarries etc. What will disrupt and what will enhance?
I hope 2011 brings everyone the best oppertunities for themselves and their familes. So let's let the year begin and hopefully we'll all be off to a good start.
Solstice Budget and the Kinder Boggart.
Well we've had our emergency budget, using the BBC Budget calculator (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/10335476.stm) it appears me and Mrs Sea Duck are about £200 better off over the year. Obviously not all are pleased with the budget. Most of the 'savings' are from spending cuts. But what are the cuts, I think we are not going to see the full effect of this budget for well over a year. The union UNISON noted that the cuts would mean the loss of between 300,000 to 400,000 public service jobs. Some thing which would no doubt echo onto the private sector with these people no longer spending, everything from buying houses to shopping at the local newsagent. We are told that the weakest and most vunerable in our society will be protected, but surely these are the people who most rely on public services? Then again private sector workers have had to bite the bullet with regard to perks, wage rises etc in light of the recession, can we expect any less of the public sector workers? One thing that I found interesting is that people on a joint income of £83,000 will not longer get tax credits, I am so surprised that they were eligible in the first place. I hope there will be a common sense approach to the budget, for example I would hate to see the NHS walk-in centres in the High Peak and the Buxton cottage hospital to disappear. With the nearest major hospitals in Chesterfield, Macclesfield, Tameside and Stockport these medical facilities are essentials in the High Peak area.
Having spoken to various people it would seem that they are accepting of this budget rather than liking it. They see these cuts in public spending as an inevitable consequence to living beyond our means for so long. I know Labour say this is a global recession and I do agree with that, but the previous govenment cannot however wash it's hands of the fact that this country was in poor health to weather this financial storm. Speaking of the politics of the budget, I have spoken to several Lib Dem voters, some first timers in voting for the party, they do not feel betrayed by them, they are quite happy with what the Lib Dems are doing in government. As I noted at the start I think we will have to wait and see how hard these cuts hit us and where the save the most money and do the most damage. Of course you have the chance, if you are a public sector worker, to suggest where these savings could be at http://spendingchallenge.hm-treasury.gov.uk/
Big Cats
There is a report of a big cat sighting near Buxton, the Beast of Buxton if you will. Not the first one that I have heard of either. There have been a number of sightings over the years around LadyBower and also sightings reported in the aptly named 'Cat and Fiddle' road the A537. I know that the remains of European Lynx have been found in Lathkill Dale, Creswell Crags and just over the border in the Manifold Valley, but these were found to be around 9000+ years old when carbon dated. These big cat/beast sightings remind me of the mythical Kinder Boggart, a black dog usually seen as a portent of doom. Not really encouraging considering the budget and the state of the countries finances.
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